Improve Your Voice in Under 20 Minutes

Welcome to this quick jumpstart lesson. 👋

Today we’re going to be quickly improving 3 foundational skills you need to be a great singer: breathing, pitch and tone.

I like to relate it to the foundational components of a car.

  1. Breathing = engine | it’s your power source
  2. Pitch = steering wheel | it’s how you ‘move around’ melodically and sing songs
  3. Tone = car body style | it’s how your voice sounds

Every legendary singer has mastered these 3 foundational skills as well as range, connection, control, agility and style that we develop in the full program. 

I look forward to seeing you in the full video program, where we can dive deeper into the full 8-step method and make your voice stand out above the rest. 

Within this web-app, you can also reach out for a 1-on-1 accelerator if you want me to personally coach you through everything 1-on-1 and launch your singing career.

Before you start, record yourself on your phone singing 15-second phrase of a song to compare before and after this lesson.

Your vocal coach,


Phase 1 | Breathing & Releasing Vocal Tension:

Phase 2 | Jumpstart Your Pitch:

Once you learn the exercise, you'll know how to do it for future workouts (and you won't need to re-watch the video unless you'd like a refresher). You got this! ðŸ‘Š

Now it's time to train:

Start the mini-vocal workout below.

When it comes to exponentially improving your voice, information will only help you to the extent that you apply it and actually train with these new techniques.

I crafted each vocal workout in this course to get you the fastest results, while also getting you lasting transformation. As you train with the workouts, you'll be developing new neural pathways of perfect vocal technique.

Just like working out your muscles, the growth and improvement in your voice will happen while you sleep. So stay patient with the process just like you would working out to get stronger in the gym.

If you want to train your voice while browsing other apps or locking your phone, play the audio instead of the video.

In the full course, each lesson comes with a 10-15 minute guided vocal workout with your choice of a male or female guide.

Phase 3 | Jumpstart Your Tone:

Complete and Continue